For athletes


Großkirchheim is situated 10 km near the ski-region Heiligenblut and can be reached by bus several times a day.

Ice climbing

You want to add a very special adventure to your winter holiday? Ice climbing is exactly the right thing. Similar to climbing during the summer balance, agility and creativity are very important.

Ice scating

In the Waldfestarena you can go ice skating. The area is lit up during 10 PM.


Tobogganing means having fun in the snow with the whole family. The coasting slide is situated right by the town centre and is easily approachable.

Ice stock sport

You'll have to try out the traditional ice curling in Großkirchheim. If you get too cold our tavern is near – where you'll be offered warming beverages and down-home food. Afterwards you can start your next victorious game.

Ski tours

Join the world of mountain giants of 3000 meters! Enjoy a breathtaking panorama at the wonderous, snow covered mountain peaks and warm yourself with a “Jagatee” after a bold downhill on sparkling powder snow.

Winter horseback riding

Horse enthusiasts are right in place during the winter. Horseback riding in the powder snow is a very special experience for rider and horse. A tour on a sleigh can also be offered.